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2014 Career Fair

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On March 22, 2014, Dare 2 Be D.E.A.F. partnered with the Lake City Graduation Initiative & Florence County School District Three Parent Academy for its first career fair at Lake City High School in Lake City, SC. The purpose of the event was to encourage students to dream, educate, aim, and focus on their career goals. Over 20 LCHS Alumni traveled from multiple states to give back by providing current student insight into their career paths. The event was open both to the parents and students of LCHS. There were over 100 participants.


The LCHS Alumni shared their collegiate and career journeys with the participating students. They discussed the ways in which they prepared, maintained, and eventually achieved their credentials through college or vocational school. Local college representatives offered parents and guardians invaluable information regarding how not only to prepare a child for college but also how to guide them to the unparalleled success of earning a degree. Other vital information that was made available to those in attendance included financial aid, scholarships, and the fundamentals of college life. In addition to both parents and students receiving this knowledge conjointly, individual panels were hosted each for the parent (guardian) and student in an effort to render role-specific guidance concerning college and career success.


By way of the partnership and provision of many local supporters, breakfast and lunch was provided to all participants. Many gift cards were also donated, resulting in additional gifting to many of the participants through a raffle.


Careers represented: Accounting, Behavioral Healthcare, Clinical Psychology, Chiropractic, Computer Engineering, Construction Management, Cosmetology, Dentistry, Education, Fine Art, Information Technology, Journalism, Medical Entomology, Medicine, Meteorology / Broadcast Journalism, Military, Nutrition, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Public Health, Sports Medicine, Surgical Technology

Speaker locations: South Carolina (13), North Carolina (4), Georgia (3), Iowa (1), Maryland (1)

2014 Career Fair Speakers


Edited by Brandy Selmon

If you're not acting on your dreams or desires, you are deaf to your potential success.

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